I remember hearing about a study where they had people hooked up to an FMRI and were doing tests. Basically, the studies showed that people prefer slight difficulty/turmoil with their pleasure. Something along the lines of "earning it." I think this is why people are reluctant to live in the box.
I think people need to feel like they deserve to be happy, along with actually feeling happy. And being the same amount of happy for too long becomes dull as well. The same stimuli, or amount of stimuli becomes normalized.
I tie this also to my theory of there being no actual free will, but there is the illusion of free will. To most, the illusion of free will is functionally free will, but to those depraved like I am, I am stuck facing this wall, this matrix -- never being able to see past the illusion.
Knowing of the box, then being trapped in it is hell. It's argued that hoping to find the box and never finding it is hell as well. But maybe having the limit be defined and having a variable comparison in light of the ideal is what allows us to have meaning? Or at least define our own meaning?