Art is from the Heart, Design from

the Mind.

Some work samples: Ranging from work with Glade, Ford, Tesla, Graphic Design, Digital Art, and Traditional Art.

The Joyful Room
Glade - Museum of Feelings

2015 Manhattan's financial district

Glade launched a new line of fragrances in 2015 with a promotional Museum of Feelings.

The Joyful Room was the most popular exhibit.
I designed the room with over 50k fiber optic cables of varying heights,
and scent releasing lanterns, throughout the room.
The neon lights and ambiance evoke a digital forest.


A Photo Series Of The Abbey


Welcome to the Abbey
536 Driggs Ave, Brooklyn
Nov 19, 1997 - Feb 29, 2019


Ford - Marble Run

I worked with Ford to make a two sculptures for a store in NYC. A giant marble run that emulated abstract elements of traffic,
like a clover intersection, highways, on/off ramps, and more.
And second, a wall of model cars lit from underneath to make a vivid display.

(Top) The Sculpture (Right) Detail of the Car Wall

(Top) The Sculpture
(Right) Detail of the Car Wall

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Lotus Set


A personal project. I designed a tea and bowl set inspired by Indian culture and the lotus. The set comes apart as a three piece set. A bowl, dish, plate
and a complimentary cup set.


Lotus Set2.jpg
Lotus Set9.jpg
Lotus Set8.jpg
Here I have an inspiration board for my set. Above are some quick ideations I used to sketch out the shape of the forms. The dishes with cardboard, and the spoon with some hammered aluminum.

Here I have an inspiration board for my set. Above are some quick ideations I used to sketch out the shape of the forms. The dishes with cardboard, and the spoon with some hammered aluminum.

Personal Art

Here is a sample ranging from since I was in middle school and getting into the MoMA.
(In no particular order.)


I post my stories, the public events of my life unfold here.
I have an archive of the visual pieces, and a portion of music, here is where I output most of my work. I also stream at occasionally.



Have a file to send to me? Want to colalb? Want to be “professional?”
Send me an email, a resume, an album, a commission idea? Let’s talk.



Call me, text me, let’s have a figure something out.
I prefer if you don’t call during business hours.
(And have a clear message to give me, don’t waste my time plz.)
